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浑然 completely
浑然一体 All blend into one harmoniou...
浑然一新 everything made new
浑然不觉 not feel at all
浑然天成 like nature itself -- highes...
浑然无成 accomplish nothing
浑简 Hun Jian
浑蛋 blackguard
浑象 celestial globe
浑身 from head to foot
浑身伤痕 All one's body was covered w...
浑身冷汗 be bathed in cold and clammy...
浑身发冷 A chill came creeping over o...
浑身发抖 be all of a dither
浑身发痒 itch all over
浑身哆嗦 shivered convulsively
浑身打战 shiver all over
浑身打颤 trembled all over
浑身无力 feel weak all over
浑身是伤 be covered with wounds
浑身是劲 alive in every fiber
浑身是汗 be in a sweat all over
浑身是泥 be all of a muck
浑身是胆 full of courage
浑身是血 covered all over with blood
浑身是雪 be covered from head to foot...
浑身流汗 One's whole body was drippin...
浑身湿淋淋的 get dripping wet
浑身湿透 have not a dry thread on
浑身疼 ache all over
浑身疼得难受 be aching all over feel unha...
浑身疼痛 have pains all over
浑身素裹 be dressed all in white
浑身缟素 dressed in the white robes o...
浑身肉颤 feel one's skin creeping
浑身臭汗 reek with sweat
浑身解数 use all one's skill
浑身酸痛 The whole body aches.
浑身酸软 One felt all fagged out.
浑身青紫 be beaten black and blue
浑金璞玉 unrefined gold and unpolishe...
浒墅关 Xushuguan
浓云密布 Dense clouds gathered.
浓云密雾 dense mist and clouds
浓厚 dense
浓厚的民族色彩 strong national colour stron...
浓厚的烟雾 thick smog deep
浓咖啡 strong coffee
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