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浩繁 vast and numerous
浩繁的开支 heavy expenditure
浩荡 vast and mighty
浩荡的长江 the mighty Changjiang River
浩贾 Hao Gu
浪人 ronin
浪信人言 unwisely believe in others' ...
浪头 wave trend
浪子 prodigal
浪子回头 return of the prodigal
浪子回头金不换 A prodigal who returns is mo...
浪得虚名 have unearned reputation
浪桥 swingbridge
浪涌 surge
浪涌撞击 surging shock
浪涌电压 surge voltage
浪涌电压保护 surge voltage protection
浪涌电压保护器 surge voltage protector
浪涌示波器 surge oscillograph
浪涌示波术 surge oscillography
浪涌能力 surge capacity
浪涛 wave
浪涛汹涌 billowiness
浪涛猛烈地冲击着岩石 The waves dashed against the...
浪游 travel freely
浪漫 romantic
浪漫主义 romanticism
浪漫主义作品 romanticism
浪漫主义的全盛时期 the bloom of Romanticism
浪漫主义者 romanticist
浪漫主义运动 romanticism
浪漫抒情诗人 troubadour
浪漫曲 romance
浪漫精神 romanticism
浪漫色彩 romance
浪漫芭蕾 Romantic Ballet
浪潮 tide
浪潮植物 cumatophyte
浪船 swingboat
浪花 spray
浪花荡漾 The foam of breaking waves i...
浪花飞溅到船上 The waves splashed on the sh...
浪荡 loiter about
浪荡不羁 dissipated and unrestrained
浪荡人 free-liver
浪荡女人 tramp
浪荡子 rounder
浪蚀 wave cut
浪蚀作用 marine erosion
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