死而不僵 dead but showing no signs of... |
死而后已 do one's best,till one's hea... |
死而复生 revive |
死而复苏 come back to life |
死而无怨 die without regret |
死而无悔 die without any regret |
死而无憾 die without anything to regr... |
死胎 stillborn foetus |
死胎不下 retention of dead fetus |
死胡同 impasse |
死脑筋 one-track mind |
死要面子 dead determined to save face |
死要面子活受罪 puff oneself up at one's own... |
死规矩 a rigid rule |
死角 dead angle |
死讯 news of sb.'s death |
死记硬背 learn by rote |
死读书 study mechanically |
死路 blind alley |
死路一条 There is only one way -- die... |
死里逃生 take a new lease of life |
死难 die in an accident or a poli... |
死难烈士 martyr |
死面 unleavened dough |
死顶尖 dead centre |