He got his job through favouritism, not through ability . 他是通过裙带关系而不是由于自己的能力找到工作的。
I don ' t want to be accused of nepotism 我不想因拉裙带关系而被指责
He knows that the government operates on the basis of meritocracy and shuns nepotism and cronyism 他会知道,政府一向任人唯贤,绝不会任人唯亲,纵容裙带关系。
The problems of poor corporate governance , lack of transparency , and nepotism are not confined to china 公司治理机制问题重重、缺乏透明度和裙带关系等现象不只存在于中国。
The whole concept of nepotism , believe it or not , was coined by carl marx , saying cant have families controlling corporations 裙带关系这观念,其实是由马克思所创。信不信由你。
Given that your chairman evidently believes in nepotism ? or else he would not have thrust the lad on you ? your job may be safe for a bit 鉴于你们董事长显然相信裙带关系(否则他不会将这个孩子推给你) ,你的工作可能会安全一点儿。
The city , long notorious as a stuffy place where the old school tie mattered more than talent , became more meritocratic 金融城长期以来以裙带关系而备受指责,现在这个让人觉得沉闷的地方转变成为重视人才的场所,吸引了更多精英人士的加入。
And every corporation had enough problems with families that even the non - marx - is were to fall for nepotism too swiftly , without actually judging what could be the result 他说:不能让家庭操控组织,每个组织都是充满问题。即使是非马克思的组织,也太快爱上裙带关系,而并没有评估可能的结果。
I tell you , the first duty of manhood and womanhood is a declaration of independence : the man who pleads his father ' s authority is no man : the woman who pleads her mother ' s authority is unfit to bear citizens to a free people 我跟你说,成年男女的第一项责任就是宣告独立-靠父亲的庇荫的不算男人;攀母亲裙带关系的无法承担责任。