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腊肠 sausage heart
腊肠不稳定性 sausage instability
腊肠模 sausage mode
腊鱼 dried or salted fish
腋下取暖 beat goose
腋毛 armpit hairs
腋窝 armpit
腋臭 bromhidrosis
腋芽 axillary bud
腌制 pickle
腌制品 pickle
腌制食品 cure foods
腌渍 pickle
腌渍品 souse
腌渍蔬菜 pickles
腌熏 bloat
腌熏鱼块 flitch
腌牛肉 beefbacon
腌猪肉 sowbelly
腌肉 salted meat
腌臜 filthy
腌菜 sauerkraut
腌鱼 salted fish
腌黄瓜 pickled cucumber
bean curd
腐乳 fermented bean curd
腐儒 stale and pedantic scholar
腐化 degenerate
腐化产物 decay
腐化作用 putrefaction
腐化分子 corrupt elements
腐化变质 become morally degenerate
腐化堕落 become corrupt and degenerat...
腐化处理 septicization
腐化罪 crime of corruption
腐心切齿 deep hatred
腐恶 corrupt and evil
腐朽 rotten
腐朽不堪 utterly decadent
腐朽庸俗的作风 decadent and philistine ways
腐朽思想 decadent ideology
腐朽没落 rotten to the core and decli...
腐朽的论断 degenerate assertion
腐朽糜烂 decadent and dissolute
腐朽糜烂的生活 decadent and dissolute life
腐朽透顶 rotten at the core
腐殖酸 humic acid
腐殖酸肥料 humic acid fertilizer
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