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惆怅若失 be in a despondent mood
惆惋 unhappy
惊为天人 take sb. for a fairy
惊人 astonishing
惊人之举 a shocking action
惊人之笔 extraordinary forceful phras...
惊人消息 an appalling news
惊人的成就 amazing achievements
惊人的毅力 amazing willpower
惊人的速度 surprising rapidity
惊人骇世 spring a surprise on people
惊动 startle
惊动反应 phobic response
惊厥 faint from fear
惊厥疗法 convulsive therapy
惊厥药 convulsant
惊叫 cry in fear
惊叹 wonder at
惊叹不已 exclaim with admiration
惊叹号 exclamation mark
惊吓 frighten
惊呆 stupefaction
惊呆了 be stupefied
惊呼 cry out in alarm
惊喜 pleasantly surprised
惊喜交集 surprise and joy intermingle...
惊喜参半 be half frightened and half ...
惊天动地 shaking heaven and earth
惊天动地的事业 earthshaking undertaking
惊天动地的奇迹 incredible wonders
惊奇 wonder
惊师动众 alert many people
惊异 surprised
惊异和喜悦交织在一起 Joy mingled with surprise.
惊弓之鸟 birds startled by the mere t...
惊心动魄 be struck with fright
惊心掉胆 be frightened out of one's w...
惊心破胆 heart startled and gallbladd...
惊恐 alarmed and panicky
惊恐万状 be convulsed with fear
惊恐失色 pale with fear
惊悉 be shocked to learn
惊悉某人不幸逝世 be distressed to learn of th...
惊悸 palpitate with terror
惊惶 trepidation
惊惶失措 be thrown into a panic
惊惶失色 stand aghast
惊愕 stunned
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