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throb with terror
悻悻 angry
悻悻而去 go away disapprovingly
悻然 angry
悼久 Dao Jiu
悼亡 mourn one's deceased wife ju...
悼心失图 fail to find a solution due ...
悼念 mourn
悼念亡友 mourn for a dead friend
悼词 memorial speech
悾悾 earnest
情不可却 can hardly decline sb.'s kin...
情不自禁 be overcome by one's feeling...
情丝不断 The ties of love remain unbr...
情义 ties of friendship
情义两全 Love and duty both received ...
情之所钟 be in love with a thing
情书 love letter
情事 circumstances
情人 lover
情人的嫉妒 lover's jealousy
情人眼里出西施 Beauty is in the eye of the ...
情侣 lovers
情况 circumstances
情况一刻也不容迟缓 The situation allows of no d...
情况不妙 Things are in a bad way.
情况不容许我们再等待了 In such circumstances we can...
情况似乎越来越糟了 Things seem to be going from...
情况危急 be in a critical condition
情况变了 The situation has changed.
情况咋样 How are things?
情况基本上是健康的 The situation is basically s...
情况复杂 The situation is complicated...
情况就是如此 That's how things stand.
情况就是这样 That's how it is.
情况属实 It's true.
情况并不属实 Things didn't turn out like ...
情况很正常 Things are quite normal.
情况怎么样 How do matters stand?
情况急速变化 The situation changed quickl...
情况混乱 be in a state of confusion
情况简介 fill-in
情况紧急 The situation is critical.
情况证明 circumstantial evidence
情况调查 condition survey
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