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偶然现象 accidental phenomena
偶然相识的人 an incidental acquaintance
偶然相遇 meet fortuitously
偶然获胜 win by chance
偶然遇见 accidentally meet
偶然遇见一个老朋友 run into an old acquaintance
偶犯 casual offence casual offend...
偶电荷 even-charge
偶电荷数 even-charge number
偶电荷核 even-charge nucleus
偶瞥一眼 glance occasionally at
偶蹄 artiodactyl
偶蹄动物 artiodactyl
偶遇 meet by chance
偷偷 stealthily
偷偷地告诉 tell sb. on the quiet
偷偷地溜走 sneak away
偷偷地瞧了一眼 steal a glance at
偷偷地觑了他一眼 steal a glance at him
偷偷摸摸 in a sneaky way
偷合苟容 fall in with other's wishes ...
偷听 eavesdrop
偷嘴 take food on the sly
偷垒 steal a base
偷天换日 place a substitute by subter...
偷安 seek temporary ease
偷安旦夕 take ease at dawn and evenin...
偷安逾闲 seek ease and comfort withou...
偷寒送暖 do everything to please othe...
偷工减料 use inferior materials and t...
偷工夫干私事儿 take time off from work for ...
偷得干干净净 have everything stolen and n...
偷情 carry on a clandestine love ...
偷懒 unwilling to work
偷换 use... surreptitiously to su...
偷换概念 disguised replacement of con...
偷换论题 clandestine change of argume...
偷梁换柱 steal the beams and pillars ...
偷渡 cross a river stealthily
偷漏 evade
偷生 drag out an ignoble existenc...
偷生怕死 cling to life and be scared ...
偷的锣儿敲不得 You can't beat a stolen gong...
偷盗 steal
偷盗公款 embezzle public money
偷看 steal a glance
偷看一眼 steal a glance at...
偷眼 steal a glance
偷眼相看 steal a glance at
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