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风景林业 aesthetic forestry
风景画 landscape painting
风景织锦 landscape woven in silk
风景绮丽 beautiful scenery
风景胜地 a scenic resort
风景这边独好 The landscape here is beyond...
风景镜头 landscape lens
风暴 storm
风暴平息了 The storm has subsided.
风暴整天不息 It stormed all day.
风月 wind and moon scenery
风月无边 The wonders of natural beaut...
风月清幽 The wind and the moon happen...
风柔夜暖 The breeze is soft and the n...
风标 weather cock
风树兴悲 unable to care for parents w...
风格 style
风格奖 prize for sportsmanship
风格学 stylistic
风格清雅 in an elegant style
风格高 honourable style
风檐寸晷 study in a humble room,value...
风止雨息 The wind has subsided and th...
风毛济美 rare and precious things or ...
风气 general mood
风气内动 endogenous wind
风气很盛 become rife
风气疝 gas colic
风水 the location of a house or t...
风水先生 geomancer
风沙 sand blown by the wind
风波 storm
风波迭起 Disturbances arose repeatedl...
风洞 wind tunnel
风派人物 opportunist
风流 distinguished and admirable
风流之辈 distinguished and admirable ...
风流云散 go with the wind
风流人物 truly great men talented and...
风流佳事 romance between man and woma...
风流倜傥 casual and elegant bearing
风流儒雅 cultured,talented and refine...
风流才子 talented and romantic schola...
风流潇洒 graceful but not showy
风流罪过 blemishes
风流蕴藉 graceful but not showy
风流薮泽 the mashy place of lewdness-...
风流韵事 a romantic affair
风浪 stormy waves
风浪传播 wind wave propagation
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