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颠跋 fall tread on
颠踬 trip over sth.
颠连 hardship
颠连困顿 helplessly dependent and exh...
颠颉 Dian Jie
颣名 flaw
颤动 quake
颤动信号 dither signal
颤动回声 flutter echo
颤动回波 flutter echo
颤动干扰 mush
颤动效应 wobbling effect
颤动检验器 flutter checker
颤动特性 bouncing charateristic
颤动计算 flutter calculation
颤动计算机 flutter computer
颤巍巍 tottering
颤悠 shake
颤抖 shake
颤指 vibrato
颤振 shimmy
颤搐 ballism
颤栗 tremble
颤证 tremor syndrome
颤震 buffet
颤音 trill trill
颤音琴 vibraphone
颥见 "颞颥"
knit the brows
颦眉蹙额 make a wry face
颦笑不苟 do not frown or smile to ord...
颦蹙 knit the brows
颧突 zygomatic process
颧突眼陷 One's cheekbones stood out a...
颧骨 cheekbone
颧骨突起 have prominent cheekbones
strong gale
风中残烛 like the candle flickering i...
风义人情 deep respect and friendship
风云 wind and cloud
风云不测 unexpected misfortune
风云人物 influential man
风云变幻 unexpected gathering of clou...
风云变幻的时代 an age of rapid change
风云变色 The current political situat...
风云突变 a sudden change in the situa...
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