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频率校准 frequency calibration
频率表 frequency list
频率计 frequency meter
频率转换 frequency conversion
频率转换开关 frequency-changeover switch
频率选择 frequency selection
频畅 Pin Chang
频繁 frequently
频繁地交换意见 frequent exchange of views
频谱 frequency spectrum
频谱仪 frequency spectrograph
频谱分析 spectrum analysis
频谱测定法 spectrometry
频道 frequency channel
频频 again and again
频频举杯 propose repeated toasts
频频催促 urge repeatedly -- to drive ...
频频微笑 smile and smile again
频频招手 wave one's hand again and ag...
频频点头 nod again and again
频频秋波 cast repeatedly a glance in ...
颓丧 dejected
颓丧不振 Being defeated,one fails to ...
颓势 declining tendency
颓唐 dejected
颓唐不安 disconsolate and ill at ease
颓唐失意 failing and disappointing
颓垣断壁 crumbling walls and diapidat...
颓塌 collapse
颓废 dispirited
颓废情绪 decadent sentiments
颓废派 the decadent school
颓惰自甘 lazy and self-indulgent
颓放 decadent and dissolute
颓波莫挽 Passing billows cannot be dr...
颓然 dejected
颓败 declining
颓运 declining fortune
颓靡 downcast
颓风 degenerate practice
颓风败俗 injure public morality
颓龄 closing years of one's life
颓龄龙钟 in declining years and the p...
颔厌 Hanyan
颔首 nod
颔首之交 a nodding acquaintance
颔首会意 nod one's comprehension
颔首微笑 nod smilingly
颔首示意 give a nod as a signal
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