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一文一武 one military and the other c...
一文不值 not worth a farthing
一文不化 not to pay a single cent
一文不名 penniless
一文钱 one cash
一斑 a spot
一新耳目 present a new appearanceⅣ ne...
一方 one side
一方当事人 one party
一方得势一方失利的情形 zero-sum situation
一方手帕 a handkerchief
一方木材 a cubic metre of lumber
一方水土养一方人 Each place has its own way o...
一方面 one side
一旁 one side
一无 not in the least
一无仅存 Nothing was saved.
一无例外 without exception
一无可取 be a good-for-nothing
一无怨言 without a word of complaint
一无所成 without any success
一无所有 have nothing at all
一无所求 for nothing
一无所知 know nothing at all
一无所能 can do nothing
一无所获 have gained nothing
一无所长 Jack of all trades and maste...
一无是处 Nothing is right.
一无相识 There is not a single person...
一无结果 Nothing comes of it.
一无长物 There is nothing precious.
一日三秋 Days creep by like years
一日三餐 three meals a day
一日之计在于晨 Morning hours is the best ti...
一日之长 a little bit more capable th...
一日之雅 a day's acquaintance
一日千里 a thousand li a day
一日夫妻百日恩 A day together as husband an...
一日官司十日打 Fight a lawsuit for one day ...
一日数起 several happenings in one da...
一日游 one-day tour
一日量 daily dose
一旦 in a single day
一旦时机成熟 Once the time is ripe,...
一早 early in the morning
一时 for a short while
一时一个样 at one time,this way
一时一事 a short period or a single i...
一时一刻 for a single second
一时一刻也不要脱离群众 Never for a single moment cu...
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