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一律对待 treat in the same way all
一得一失 gain in one thing and lose i...
一得之功 occasional success
一得之愚 a small opinion that might b...
一心 wholeheartedly
一心一德 wholeheartedly and faithfull...
一心一意 heart and soul
一心不能二用 One can not run after two ho...
一心专为人民谋福利 work for the people's intere...
一心为公 devote oneself to the public...
一心为革命 wholehearted devotion to the...
一心二用 keep one eye on
一心向党 All hearts turn to the Party...
一心向往 give one's heart completely ...
一心想 set one's mind on
一心扑在科学研究上 devote oneself heart and sou...
一忍再忍 bear and forbear
一念之差 a wrong thought in passing
一忽儿 a little while
一总 altogether
一总有二十人出席 All in all,there were twenty...
一总有多少 How many are there in all?
一息 respiration
一息奄奄 in the last gasp
一息尚存 as long as one lives
一意孤行 persist in wilfully and arbi...
一慢二看三通过 Pay attention to traffic saf...
一成 percent
一成一旅 narrow in territory and scan...
一成不变 immutable and frozen
一成不变的东西是没有的 Nothing is immutable. thing
一战而胜 gain the victory by a single...
一截 a section
一截木头 a section of a log
一戳就破 break at the slightest touch
一戳就穿 One thrust and it's puncture...
一户住宅 one-roomed flat
一所 a
一所半工半读学校 a part-work and part-study c...
一所房子 a house
一扇 a
一扇窗 a window
一手 proficiency
一手一足 one hand and one foot
一手之宽 handbreadth
一手包办 take everything on oneself
一手好字 write a fair hand
一手扶养 raise sb. all by oneself
一手擎天 prop up the sky with a singl...
一手炮制 concoct single-handed
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