惊呼 cry out in alarm |
惊喜 pleasantly surprised |
惊喜交集 surprise and joy intermingle... |
惊喜参半 be half frightened and half ... |
惊天动地 shaking heaven and earth |
惊天动地的事业 earthshaking undertaking |
惊天动地的奇迹 incredible wonders |
惊奇 wonder |
惊师动众 alert many people |
惊异 surprised |
惊异和喜悦交织在一起 Joy mingled with surprise. |
惊弓之鸟 birds startled by the mere t... |
惊心动魄 be struck with fright |
惊心掉胆 be frightened out of one's w... |
惊心破胆 heart startled and gallbladd... |
惊恐 alarmed and panicky |
惊恐万状 be convulsed with fear |
惊恐失色 pale with fear |
惊悉 be shocked to learn |
惊悉某人不幸逝世 be distressed to learn of th... |
惊悸 palpitate with terror |
惊惶 trepidation |
惊惶失措 be thrown into a panic |
惊惶失色 stand aghast |
惊愕 stunned |