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离格儿 go beyond what is proper
离此不远 be not far from here
离水 dried up
离水之鱼 a fish out of water
离水生活 anhydrobiosis
离港船 outgoing steamer
离港证明书 certificate of departure por...
离焦 out of focus
离瓣 polypetalous
离瓣花 dialypetalous flower
离瓣花冠 choripetalous corolla
离瓣花类 choripetalae
离经叛道 discard the classics and reb...
离群孤雁 be a lone wild goose
离群索居 keep oneself to oneself
离职 leave one's job temporarily
离职不干 chuck up one's job
离职剂量 standing-off dose
离职手续 check-out procedure
离职率 separation rate
离职补助费 subsidy for leave of absence...
离职进修制 block release
离腔走调 sing out of key
离舰旗 absentee flag
离船 disembark
离茎机 breaker
离解 segregation
离谱 far away from what is normal
离谱儿 deviate from standard
离这儿有几里地 How far is it from here?
离连赴京 leave Dalian for Beijing
离退人员 retiree
离间 sow discord
离间之计 the scheme of sowing dissens...
离间甲乙二人 drive a wedge between A and ...
离题 digress from the subject
离题万里 be remote from the subject
离题十万八千里 miles away from the subject
离题太远 digress too far a field
离骚 Lisao,one of the works by Qu...
禽兽 birds and beasts
禽兽不如 be worse than a beast
禽兽行为 brutish acts
禽息鸟视 live like a bird
禽病 poultry disease
禽粪 bird guano
禽舍 artificial bird's nest
禽鸟飞鸣 The wild fowl were crying as...
standing grain millet a surn...
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