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师表 a person of exemplary virtue
师资 persons qualified to teach
师资不足 shortage of teachers
师资训培班 teacher training class
师资质量 the quality of staff
师道 the succession of teachings ...
师道尊严 the teacher's dignity
师部 division headquarters forces
师长 teacher division commander
师长令我们在拂晓前发起攻击 The division commander order...
希伯来语 Hebrew
希你及时把它完成 You are expected to finish i...
希冀 hope for
希准时到会 Please get to the meeting on...
希图牟取暴利 go after quick profits
希图蒙混过关 try to wangle
希图谋财害命 attempt to murder sb. for hi...
希奇 rare
希望 hope
希望今后两国人民之间有更多的交往 We hope from now on there wi...
希望你不要出此下策 I hope you will not take suc...
希望你安心休养 You just get better and don'...
希望你对此给予关注 I hope you will give attenti...
希望你平安归来 I hope you will come back wh...
希望别出岔子 I hope nothing goes wrong.
希望渺茫 have slim hopes
希望綦切 with strong hopes
希望落空 fail to attain one's hope
希望这一次他们不会把我的计划束之高阁 I hope this time they will n...
希查照办理 Please note and take appropr...
希海 Xi Hai
希特勒之流 Hitler and his like
希特勒的信徒 Hitlerite
希罕 rare
希腊 Greece
希腊人 Greek
希腊人围攻特洛伊城历时十年 For ten years the Greeks bes...
希腊喜剧 Greek comedy
希腊字母 the Greek alphabet
希腊悲剧 Greek tragedy
希腊文化 Greek culture
希腊文化的起源 the beginning of Greek cultu...
希腊爱神阿美罗狄蒂据说是诞生于海浪泡沫之中 Aphrodite,the Greek goddness...
希腊神话 Greek mythology
希腊语 Greek
curtain spice pouch
帐册 book
帐单 bill
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