登录 注册
帐外 invisible
帐外借款 off-the-book loan
帐外负债 liabilities out of book
帐外资产 off-the-book property
帐子 bed-curtain mosquito net
帐已注销 The account has been written...
帐幕 tent
帐幕墙 kanat
帐户 account
帐户分类 account classification
帐户号码 account number
帐户名称 account title
帐户年度 account year
帐户结余 account balance
帐房 treasurer
帐房先生 bookkeeper
帐本 account book
帐本儿 account book edition
帐查完了吗 Has the account been checked...
帐款 funds on account
帐清了吗 Has the account been settled
帐目 items of an account
帐目不实 false itemization of account...
帐目不清 accounts not in order
帐目分析 account analysis
帐目摘要 extract of accounts
帐目收支相符 book balances exactly
帐篷 tent
帐簿 account book
帐簿信用 book credit
帐簿科目 book stock
帐簿纸 account book paper
帐结清了 The account was closed off.
帐钩 bed-curtain hook
帐面 paper
帐面价值 book value
帐面价格 accounting price
帐面债务 book debts
帐面利润 book profit
帐面损失 book loss
帐面盈余 book surplus
帐面盘存 book inventory
帐面科目 book accounts
帐面赤字 deficit on the books
帐项 accounting item
state treasury
short embroidered cape
帕德表 Pade table
帕斯卡 Pascal pascal
First 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Last

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