1.(得过且过) drift along; be resigned to circumstances; muddle along
因循苟且 cling to the habitual ways and muddle on [along]2.(马虎; 敷衍) slovenly; muddle with [through]; perfunctorily; carelessly
决不能苟且行事。 never just muddle through your work.3.(不正当的) illicit (sexual relations); improper
苟且了事 dispose of sth. perfunctorily; do a thing carelessly
苟且求安 be resigned to circumstances; settle for ease and comfort
苟且求活 lacking foresight and sueing for live; preserve one's life at all costs
苟且偷安 seek a moment's peace however one can; be content with temporary ease and comfort; lead a mere vegetative [animal] existence; live in a fool's paradise; seek temporary peace; seek ease and comfort at the expense of principles
苟且偷生 drag out an ignoble existence; keep alive without serious ambition; live (on) just for the sake of remaining alive; (philistine philosophy) of a mere vegetative existence
Mrs branderton was the same age as himself, but he thought himself quite young enough to flirt with the least plain of the two miss hancocks . 布兰德顿夫人与他年纪相仿,但他竟认为自己年轻得完全可以跟两位汉考克小姐苟且调情。
Joe , an honest youngman whose brother has gone off the tracks Joe邓光荣饰为人正直,有义气,处事从不拘泥苟且
Otherwise , we will not be fulfilling our filial duties 苟,是如果,这是一种假设的语气,不是苟且、随便的意思。
This could be reflected in the slow membership growth among rotary clubs in district 3450 志愿者的使命感驱使他们不约而同地遵守严格服务守则,绝不苟且。
The men are limp , they feel a doom somewhere , and they go about as if there was nothing to be done 男子们是软弱的,他们觉得灾祸将临,于是他们苟且将事,仿佛毫无办法。
Truly , as i sought to convince him , the shame lay in the commission of the sin , and not in the showing of it forth 确实,我试图说服他,耻辱在于苟且罪孽的当时,面不在于袒露罪孽的事后。
You are far too much alike ? ? creating problems and mind games . you will always think that the other is having an affair 天蝎天蝎:你们实在太像了连思考问题和解决问题的方式都一样。还经常怀疑对方会做出背叛自己的苟且之事。
You ll break records ; you ll step out of the boundaries that have trapped you . you ll get out of the ruts that we all live in too easily 你会打破纪录,你会超越藩篱,你会摆脱常规我们都爱因循苟且,我们会变得充满创意,那就是
Women received back their dead , raised to life again . others were tortured and refused to be released , so that they might gain a better resurrection 35有妇人得自己的死人复活,又有人忍受严刑,不肯苟且得释放, (释放原文作赎)为要得着更美的复活。