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  • drive a cart in ragged clothes to blaze a new trail; blaze a [the] trail; endure great hardships in pioneer work; firewood-carts and rags -- the hard life of pioneers; pioneering work (cutting swaths in a jungle); start one's career from humble origins


  • Tracing back through the development in the 20 ( superscript th ) century , there are hardships , endured a tortuous bitterness , and also the brilliant achievements for consolation
  • In the exploration of enduring great hardships , though the domain of mathematics was shronded in rational miasma , the wisdom light of human thought will light up the whole world in the end
  • We will work in the forerunners spirit , and take active measures to innovate and reform , so that the citizens can enjoy living in a healthy and beautiful city where water outage is rarely heard of
  • Feijie no decree from the early support of the " water - era " a group of business today , which blazed at a tempering obstacles feijie responsible , continuous innovation perseverance


  • 筚路蓝缕的法语:faire route dans une voiture en bambou tressé,vêtu de haillons;débuts pénibles d'une entreprise;vie rude des pionniers
  • 筚路蓝缕的日语:〈成〉新規事業を始める困難さの形容.▼“筚路蓝缕,以启qǐ山林”(柴で作った車に乗り,ぼろをまとって山林を開拓する)から.
  • 筚路蓝缕的韩语:【성어】 섶나무로 만든 초라한 수레와 누덕누덕 기운 해진 옷. [신규 사업 개척의 어려움을 비유하는 말] 筚路蓝缕, 以启山林; 누더기를 입고서 초라한 수레를 끌며 산림을 개척하다; 갖은 고생을 다하며 창업(創業)하다 =[荜路蓝缕] [筚路褴褛]
  • 筚路蓝缕什么意思:bì lù lán lǚ 【解释】驾着简陋的车,穿着破烂的衣服去开辟山林。形容创业的艰苦。 【出处】《左传·宣公十二年》:“筚路蓝缕,以启山林。” 【示例】~,孙公既开其先;发扬光大,我公宜善其后。(《民国通俗演义》) 【拼音码】blll 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;用于书面语 【英文】endure great hardships in pioneer work
筚路蓝缕的英文翻译,筚路蓝缕英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译筚路蓝缕,筚路蓝缕的英文意思,篳路藍縷的英文筚路蓝缕 meaning in English篳路藍縷的英文筚路蓝缕怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。