不着边 not to the point沿着边 alongside不着边际 not to the point; (of a talk) empty and impracticable; entirely irrelevant in a roundabout way; far-fetched; far off the mark; irrelevant; neither here nor there; not touch the edge; off the point; totally beside the point; wide of the mark; : 不着边际的长篇大话 long rambling talk; 不着边际的话 irrelevant talks; 他越讲越不着边际。 the more he talked, the further he strayed from the point摸不着边 unable to touch the gate -- cannot understand at all上下不着边 touch neither the top nor the bottom feel说话不着边 strayed from the point in one's speech senddispatch沿着边缘 edgeways不着边际的话 irrelevant talks齐着边儿画线 draw a line along the edge沿着边界方向 follow boundary在旁,沿着边,并排地 alongside不着边际的空想 a wild fancy不着边际的臆测 a wild guess他越讲越不着边际 the more he talked the further he strayed from the point不着边际的长篇大话 long rambling talk每件事情似乎都够不着边 when everything seems just out of reach日夜警惕地守卫着边疆 vigilantly guard the borders day and night胎盘附着边缘静脉窦 marginal venous sinus of placental attachment着便装 in ordinary clothes just着痹 fixed arthralgia着冰 purchase着笔 put pen to paper; begin to write or paint 如何着笔? how to begin the writing [painting]着床 implantation着比粒 kinetochore着床(指受精卵植入子宫内膜) nidation着靶不良 poor landing
We ' re supposed to go round the side , remember 我们应该绕着边 走,记住了? They all walked on together talking and laughing 他们一直走着边 谈边笑。 They all walked on together talking and laughing 他们一直走着边 谈边笑 You don ' t know this town , that ' s why you talk nonsense 你不了解这个小镇,所以你总说些不着边 儿的话 She cried , running to lap 猫儿边叫着边 跑过去舔。 " try and stop me , " she muttered as she cut the three knights down “试试阻止我, ”她边嘟囔着边 砍倒了三名骑士。 They watch their borders , and no one moves on their lands unseen 他们守护着边 界,没有人可以进入他们的领地而不被发现。 The ambulance station consisted of three tents , pitched at the edge of a birch copse 救护站是在小白桦树林边塔了三个卷着边 的帐篷。 Whether fit or not of design for slope determines the slope ' s stability 边坡稳定设计是公路设计的重要内容之一,边坡设计合理与否直接决定着边 坡的稳定性。 He had become the precise opposite of the rambling scatter ? shooter i had met in his office 他与我在他办公室里遇见的那个东一榔头西一锤说话不着边 的小布什判若两人。