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音标:[ yùxīn ]  发音:  


  • a desirous covetous passionate or lustful heart


  • Virtuous acyions of the past produce viveka and vairagya
  • But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness , and tempted god in the desert
  • But craved intensely in the wilderness , and tempted god in the desert
    诗106 : 14反倒在旷野大起欲心、在荒地试探神。
  • Like a wild donkey accustomed to the wilderness , panting after the wind in her desire
  • Will he reserve his anger for ever ? will he keep it to the end ? behold , thou hast spoken and done evil things as thou couldest
    5耶和华岂永远怀怒,存留到底吗。看哪,你又发恶言又行坏事,随自己的私意而行(或作你虽这样说还是行恶放纵欲心) 。
  • The definition of mantra is " that which protects the mind . " that which protects the mind from negativity , or which protects you from your own mind , is mantra
    咒语的定义是“心灵的护卫者” ,凡护卫心灵不造恶业,或免于受欲心所控制的都称为咒语。
  • Will he be angry for ever ? will he keep his wrath to the end ? these things you have said , and have done evil and have had your way
    耶和华岂永远怀怒,存留到底吗?看哪,你又发恶言又行坏事,随自己的私意而行(或作你虽这样说还是行恶放纵欲心) 。


  • 欲心的日语:よくしん 03 欲 心 【名】 贪心
  • 欲心的俄语:pinyin:yùxīn страсть, желание
  • 欲心什么意思:情欲之心。    ▶ 《汉武故事》: “帝滞情不遣, 欲心尚多, 不死之药未可致也。”    ▶ 明 沈德符 《野获编补遗‧内阁‧宰相前世僧》: “﹝ 杨文襄 ﹞自云前生为 安宁 老僧, 薰修颇久, 当得小果, 因欲心尚炽, 被罚为士人, 生而天阉。”
  • 欲心とは意味欲心 よくしん greed
欲心的英文翻译,欲心英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译欲心,欲心的英文意思,欲心的英文欲心 meaning in English欲心的英文欲心怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。