口气 1.(说话的感情色彩) tone; note 命令口气 an imperative tone of voice; 用恳求的口气 in a pleading tone; 埋怨的口气 a note of complaint; 口气傲慢 take a high tone; 改变口气 change one's note [tone]2.(言外之意) what is actually meant; implication 听他的口气 judging by the way he spoke; from the implication of his statement3.(说话的气势) manner of speaking 口气很大 talk big; 好大的口气! what high-sounding sentiments
出口气 (把心里的怨愤发泄出来) work off one's feeling; vent one's spleen 向某人泄愤而出口气 vent one's spite upon sb. 他们总算出口气了。 they've had their revenge more or less
探口气 ascertain [find out] sb.'s opinions or feelings; sound out sb.'s intentions
歇口气 stop for a breather; take [have] a breather; catch one's breath; get one's wind
一口气 1.(一口气息) one breath 深吸一口气 draw a deep breath; 长叹一口气 with a long sigh; 宽慰地松了一口气 breathe [give; heave] a sigh of relief; 他叹了一口气, 慢慢地坐到位子上。 he slowly sat on the seat with a sigh.2.(不间断地) in one breath; without a break; at one go; at a stretch 一口气跑到家 rush to one's home at one go; 他一口气读完了那本小说。 he finished reading the novel at one sitting
He heaved another sigh, screwed his head into the pillow . 他又叹口气,头向枕头里钻钻。
Mr. greefield almost signed, but he refrained . 格林菲尔德先生差点儿叹口气,不过他忍住了。
Alice sighed wearily . 阿丽思疲倦地叹口气说。
He rose with a sigh and stood there beside me. i, was thin, elongated, redheaded, praying for success, his and mine . 他叹口气站起来,在我身旁立定:我呐,瘦猴儿,细高条,红头发,为他和我两人的成功默默祈祷。
He seated himself on a projection of the rocks, whence he gave no other signs of consciousness than by the struggles of his spirit, as manifested by infrequent and heavy sighs . 他独自坐在一块突起的岩石上,除了不时伤心地深深叹口气,流露出他精神上的痛苦外,毫不显出有知觉的模样。
I wish i had finished this work , ’ she said with a sigh 我希望我完成了这项工作, ”她叹口气说。
She shook her head , and sighing looked towards the holy pictures 她摇摇头,叹口气,望了望神像。
It could not be helped , said prince andrey with a sigh “如不这样,就不行。 ”安德烈公爵叹口气说。
Kutuzov saw it , and simply sighed and shrugged his shoulders 库图佐夫看出了这一点,他只好叹口气,耸耸肩膀。
It cannot be , he said , with a sigh , after a brief silence “总之, matante ,这是不可能的, ”他沉默一会儿后叹口气说。