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  • Ponce was as heartless and unfeeling as any wild beast .
  • His unfeeling remark betrays his lack of concern ...
  • He really laid into her , saying she was arrogant and unfeeling .
  • I never thought edward so stubborn, so unfeeling before .
  • The unfeeling toad broke into a snigger, and then pulled himself together and tried to look particularly solemn .
  • Brittle with excessive frost, many colossal tough-grained maples, snapped in twain like pipestems, cumbered the unfeeling earth .
  • Their hearts are callous and unfeeling , but i delight in your law
  • At that insolent and unfeeling remark , she felt like slapping his face
  • They have closed their unfeeling heart , with their mouth they speak proudly
    诗17 : 10他们的心被脂油包裹他们用口说骄傲的话。
  • An unfeeling child , i thought to myself ; how lightly she dismisses her old playmate s troubles
    “没心肝的孩子, ”我心想, “她多么轻易地就把她从前游伴的苦恼给撇开啦。
  • It's difficult to see unfeeling in a sentence. 用unfeeling造句挺难的
  • The prisoners were far from insensible or unfeeling ; their ways arose out of the condition of the time
  • I don t know how scarce you mayn t make the wittles and drink here , by your flopping tricks and your unfeeling conduct
  • Here the unfeeling toad broke into a snigger , and then pulled himself together and tried to look particularly solemn
  • Trying to feel loving all the time will force you to suppress all your negative emotions , and after a few years , you will become numb and unfeeling
  • Accountants might be boring and lawyers might be greedy , but surgeons are generally reckoned to be unfeeling , turning anxious patients into medical specimens
  • But , jane , i see by your face you are not forming a very favourable opinion of me just now . you think me an unfeeling , loose - principled rake : don t you
    可是简,从你的脸上可以看出,刚才你对我的印象并不很好,你认为我是一个冷酷无情放荡不羁的流氓,是吗? ”
  • " see , " said he , " my dear friend , how god punishes the most thoughtless and unfeeling men for their indifference , by presenting dreadful scenes to their view
    他说, “我亲爱的朋友,上帝在惩罚那些最粗心和无情的人,惩罚他们漠视出现在他们面前的恐怖的情景。
  • Other possibilities : 1 . how one aspect of self has been molded by someone else . 2 . unfeeling , unresponsive . 3 . someone who has been " put on a pedestal . " 4 . a wish to keep alive the memory of a deceased person
    其他解释: 1 ,一个人的样貌是如何被塑造成模特的; 3 ,某人被当成偶像来崇拜; 4 ,希望保留已故人的记忆。
  • The united efforts of his two unfeeling sisters and of his overpowering friend , assisted by the attractions of miss darcy and the amusements of london , might be too much , she feared , for the strength of his attachment
  • The bristol and cambridge studies show that farm animals are not simply passive , unfeeling creatures that roam around in barnyards and paddocks eating grass or feed all day , but are complex beings with emotional traits similar to ours
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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