Ponce was as heartless and unfeeling as any wild beast . 帮塞毫无心肝,凶残犹如野兽。
His unfeeling remark betrays his lack of concern ... 他那冷冷的话语表现出他的漠不关心。
He really laid into her , saying she was arrogant and unfeeling . 他痛斥她,说她傲慢又无情。
I never thought edward so stubborn, so unfeeling before . 我以前决未料到爱德华是这样的冥顽不灵,如此无情无义。
The unfeeling toad broke into a snigger, and then pulled himself together and tried to look particularly solemn . 癞蛤蟆窃窃地笑了,实在是麻木不仁,他笑过之后振作起来,故意显得特别庄严的样子。
Brittle with excessive frost, many colossal tough-grained maples, snapped in twain like pipestems, cumbered the unfeeling earth . 许多粗大的木质坚韧的枫树,由于重霜冻得发脆,象烟管那样突然啪嗒一声断成两段,插在毫无感觉的地上。
Their hearts are callous and unfeeling , but i delight in your law 70他们心蒙脂油我却喜爱你的律法。
At that insolent and unfeeling remark , she felt like slapping his face 听了那傲慢无情的话,她恨不得扇他耳光。
They have closed their unfeeling heart , with their mouth they speak proudly 诗17 : 10他们的心被脂油包裹他们用口说骄傲的话。
An unfeeling child , i thought to myself ; how lightly she dismisses her old playmate s troubles “没心肝的孩子, ”我心想, “她多么轻易地就把她从前游伴的苦恼给撇开啦。
unfeelingとは意味:unfeeling adj. 無情な. 【+前置詞】 ◆It was very unfeeling of you to speak to her like that. 彼女にそんな口をきくなんてあなたも本当に残酷なことをしましたね ◆He is quite unfeeling toward dumb animals. ものを言えない動物に対して無情な扱いをする.