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自花受粉 self-pollination
自花授粉 self-pollination
自若 self-possessed
自荐 recommend oneself
自营业务 self-operated business
自营业务与代理业务相结合 combine self-operated busine...
自营经济 individual economic undertak...
自行 by oneself
自行其是 go one's own way
自行到来 come of itself
自行制定政策 decide policies on one's own...
自行处理 settle by oneself
自行安排 make arrangements by oneself
自行消失 die away
自行消灭 perish of itself
自行火炮 self-propelled artillery
自行火箭炮 self-propelled rocket launch...
自行解决 settle a dispute by the part...
自行设计制造 be designed and made by ones...
自行车 bicycle
自行车下了公路岔上了小道 The cyclist turned off the h...
自行车停放处 bicycle park
自行车减价出让 sell one's bicycle at a redu...
自行车寄存处 bicycle park
自行车带 bicycle tyre leucorrhea
自行车店 cyclery
自行车把 the handlebar of a bicycle b...
自行车掉头 turn bicycle right round
自行车支架 prop stand of a bicycle
自行车架 bicycle stand
自行车棚 bicycle shed
自行车比赛 bicycle race
自行车热已冷下去了 The bicycle craze has waned.
自行车牌照 bicycle number plate
自行车的前轮变形了 The front wheel of the bicyc...
自行车竞赛 cycle racing
自行车赛车场 cycling track
自行车越野赛 cyclocross
自行车运动 cycling
自行车运动员 cyclist
自行车道 cycleway
自裁 commit suicide
自西徂东 go from west to east pass be...
自视 consider oneself
自视甚高 think highly of oneself
自觉 be aware of
自觉从严 be strict with oneself
自觉性 the state of being aware of ...
自觉的能动性 conscious dynamic role
自觉纪律 a discipline based on politi...
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