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报告文学 reportage
报命 report accomplishment of a m...
报喜 announce good news
报喜不报忧 report only what is good whi...
报国 dedicate oneself to the serv...
报国无门 have no opportunity for serv...
报复 make reprisals
报复关税 retaliatory duties
报复心切 be wild for revenge
报复性打击 vindictive blow
报复性措施 retaliatory measures
报复手段 reprisal
报复行为 vindictive act
报失 report the loss of sth. to t...
报头 masthead
报夹 newspaper holder
报官 notify the local government
报宿怨 settle old scores
报帐 present a bill of expenses
报幕 screen and stage announcemen...
报幕员 announcer
报应 retribution
报应不爽 repay unfailingly
报应分明 recompense unfailingly
报应昭彰 recompense luminously
报废 announce invalidated check i...
报废件 discard
报废尺寸界线 condemning limit
报废巷道 abandoned workings
报废等值线 abandonment contour
报废零件 faulty part
报忧 report sorrow reply
报怨 avenge a grievance
报恩 pay a debt of gratitude
报户口 apply for a residence permit
报捷 report a success
报摊 news-stand
报效 render service to repay sb.'...
报效祖国 serve one's motherland worth...
报数 number off
报文 message
报文交换 message exchange
报文分段 message fragment
报文分组交换制 packet switching system
报文排队程序 message queuing routing
报文正文 message text
报文组装 message depacketize
报文首部 message heading
报时 give the correct time
报时业务 time service
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