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一年半载 six to twelve months
一年又一年 year after year
一年四季 the four seasons of the year
一年复始 at the start of the new year
一年年地见老了 show signs of age year by ye...
一年比一年老 getting older and older each...
一年生 annual
一年生作物 annual crop
一年生植物 therophyte
一年级大学生 freshman
一年见习期 on one-year probation
一并 all
一并处理 be handled together
一床被 one quilt
一应 all
一应俱全 be available all varieties
一应工具均已备齐 All the tools are ready.
一度 once
一度失业 be out of job on one occasio...
一座 a
一座十分丑陋的建筑物 an awkwardly ugly building
一座新建的工厂 a newly built plant
一座桥 a bridge
一座破败的山庄 a shabby mountain villa
一开始我便知道他什么也不行 From the very beginning I kn...
一式三份 triplicate
一式两份 in duplicate
一式五份 quintuplicate
一式四份 quadruplicate
一张 a sheet
一张一弛 tension alternating with rel...
一张一驰 stretched and relaxed
一张不摇动的桌子 a steady table
一张五美元的钞票破成五张一美元的钞票 A five-dollar bill changes i...
一张全开的宣传画 a full-size poster
一张失效的支票 an invalid cheque
一张小圆桌 a small round table
一张床 a bed
一张弓 a bowⅣ Zhang,one of the luna...
一张文件堆积如山的桌子 a table piled high with pape...
一张桌子和四把椅子 a table and four chairs
一张照片 graphic
一张白纸 a blank sheet
一张笑脸 a smiling face
一张纸 a piece of paper
一张银狐皮 a silver fox fur
一弯新月 a new crescent moon
一往情深 be passionately devoted
一往无前 press forward with indomitab...
一律 same
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