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一大串焰火 bouquet
一大二公 large in size and collective...
一大包棉花 a bale of cotton
一大包衣服 a big bundle of clothes
一大半 the better part of
一大块 a bulk
一大堆 a big heap of
一大堆书 a big heap of books
一大堆垃圾 a great pile of dirt
一大堆谎言 a tissue of lies
一大堆问题 a crop of questions
一大批非洲独立国家应运而生 A large number of independen...
一大杯啤酒 a tankard of beer
一大片 a sheet
一大片白花 a white sheet of blossom
一大片稻田 a large field of rice
一大片金黄的稻子等着收割 A vast golden stretch of ric...
一大缸子水 a mug of water
一大群 a crowd of
一大群竞争者 a host of rivals
一天 a day
一天三顿饭 three meals a dayⅤ a surname
一天到晚 all day long
一天到晚忙个不了 busy from morning till night
一天到晚忙碌不停 be busy all day long
一天半 one and a half days
一天又一天 day after day one day
一天星斗 a star-studded sky
一天清晨机遇来了 The opportunity came early o...
一夫一妻制 monogamy
一夫可守 can be defended by one man
一夫多妻制 polygamy
一失足成千古恨 A single slip can cause a la...
一头 a head
一头儿沉 heavy-at-one-end
一头大蒜 a head of garlic
一头扎到工作上 throw oneself into work
一头扎进水里 plunge headlong into the wat...
一头栽进 throw oneself into
一头羊 a of sheep end
一头蒜 a bulb of garlic
一头驴 a donkey
一套 one's set way
一套卧室家具 a bedroom set
一套家具 a set of furniture
一套房间 a suite
一套新西服 a new suit
一套篷帆 a suit of sails
一套素淡的衣服 a plain suit
一套纪念邮票 a series of memorial stamps
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