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他把沙发往左移了两米 He moved the sofa two metres...
他把牌在手上展成扇形 He fanned out the cards in h...
他把甘蔗截成几节 He cut the sugarcane into se...
他把石头拿在手上掂了掂重量 He weighed the stone in his ...
他把箱子装满了书 He packed the boxes full of ...
他把细节勾勒了进去 He sketched in the details.
他把自己关在房里一整天 He locked himself in the roo...
他把自己灌醉了 He drank himself down. recor...
他把行李寄存在车站 He stored his luggage at the...
他把衣服上的雨水抖掉 He shook the rain off his cl...
他把衣服弄脏了 He got his clothes dirty.
他把谈话逐渐引导到自己最热衷的话题上 He has led up to his favouri...
他把足球踢出场外 He kicked the football out o...
他把身子一缩 He shrank back. economize
他把辛苦得来的二千元现款藏在住处的夹层墙里 He hid his hard-earned two t...
他把这个好消息转告了他的朋友 He passed on the good news t...
他把那东西一口吞下 He gulped it down,holus-bolu...
他把那个词重复了几遍 He repeated the word several...
他把那幅画裱在绢上 He mounted the picture upon ...
他把那首诗念得琅琅上口 He can recite the poem fluen...
他把邮票舔了一下 He gave the stamp a lick.
他把钱都抖搂光了 He has wasted all the money.
他把食物堆放在盘子里 He heaped food on the plate.
他把马骑得累死了 He rode his horse to death.
他抓住我的手臂 He grabbed me by the arm.
他抓住绳子悠了过去 He held on to the rope and s...
他投敌了 He has gone over to the enem...
他抛下了妻子儿女 He left his wife and childre...
他抢救落水儿童的事迹今天上报了 In today's newspaper there i...
他抨击当代罪人 He assailed the vice of the ...
他抽烟上瘾了 He's got into the habit of s...
他担任这项任务最对劲儿了 He is best suited for this t...
他拉弓把箭射了出去 He shot the arrow from the b...
他拎着箱子走了进去 He went in carrying his suit...
他拒绝依从 He refused to comply.
他拒绝进食 He refused food. feed
他拔剑出鞘 He drew his sword from its s...
他拖着疲倦的步子慢慢地走着 He dragged his tired feet sl...
他招手要我进去 He beckoned me in. enlist
他招架得住吗 Is he able to hold his own?
他拥有相当可观的房地产 He owns considerable real es...
他拼命地干活惟恐被老板解雇 He worked hard for fear that...
他拼命收集资料 Feverishly he collected his ...
他拼命救出了三个孩子 He saved three children aliv...
他拼命讨好他的顶头上司 He leaned over backwards to ...
他拿我的作业与她的相比较 He compared my paper with he...
他拿起一把铣就干上了 He seized a shovel and set t...
他拿起卡钳仔细测量 He picked up the calipers an...
他挂着他儿子的名存款 He deposited the money under...
他指了指村子所在的方向 He pointed to where the vill...
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