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他无意中露出了马脚 He betrayed himself without ...
他无法赎回典当的家具 He had no way to redeem his ...
他无私的精神表现在各个方面 His selfless spirit is revea...
他日 some other time
他日内就能抵沪 He'll get to Shanghai in a d...
他早就忘得没影儿了 He's clean forgotten it. pho...
他早就搬走了 He moved out long ago. copy ...
他早年弃医从文 In his early days he abandon...
他早年是个农民 He was a peasant in his earl...
他时间富余 He has an abundance of time ...
他明儿一早就动身 He will set out on a journey...
他明天保险会来 He is sure to come tomorrow.
他明白表示很不喜欢他父亲的职业 He manifested a strong disli...
他昏倒了 He fell into a dead faint.
他昏过去了 He's fainted.
他昨天才离开大连 He left Dalian only yesterda...
他昨天没来上课 He didn't come to class yest...
他昨天的表现有点儿反常 His behaviour yesterday was ...
他昨天被埋葬 He was buried yesterday.
他昨天递上了辞呈 He gave in his resignation y...
他是一个不同凡响的人物 He was a person out of the o...
他是一个享有盛名的古玩收藏家 He enjoyed a great reputatio...
他是一个明白人 He is a sensible person. fra...
他是一个有见识的人 He is a man of rich experien...
他是一个机敏而又多才多艺的才子 He is a nimble and versatile...
他是一个满不错的选手 He is quite a good player. c...
他是一个爱抱怨的人 He is a grumbler.
他是一个胸襟狭窄的小人 He is a little man with a li...
他是一个见多识广的商人 As a merchant,he was a man o...
他是一个险诈的投机商 He was a sinister and crafty...
他是一个雷锋式的人物 He is a man of Lei Feng type...
他是一个飞扬跋扈的人 He is a domineering sort of ...
他是一个骑兵 He is a cavalryman.
他是一位有声望的科学家 He is a scientist of high pr...
他是一般工作人员 He is an ordinary member of ...
他是不知道 He certainly doesn't know.Ⅵ ...
他是东方血统 He has oriental blood in his...
他是个傲慢的人 He is an arrogant man.
他是个具有非凡意志的人 He is a man of extraordinary...
他是个初学法语的人 He's a beginner in French.
他是个品性良好的人 He is a man of fine characte...
他是个善良和气的老太太 She was a very kind and amia...
他是个好吃懒做之徒 He is a gluttonous and lazy ...
他是个好样儿的 He is a good sort.
他是个很能干的人 He is a man of great ability...
他是个忙人 He is a busy man.
他是个急性子 He is an impetuous fellow.
他是个智勇双全的典型 He gave an example of braver...
他是个沉默寡言的人 He is a man of few words.
他是个清瘦的高个子青年 He is a tall,spare young man...
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