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刨刃儿 plane iron
刨去 shoot off
刨地 dig the ground
刨坑儿 dig a hole
刨子 plane
刨工 planing planing machine oper...
刨工工作 planer work
刨平 plane
刨床 facing machine
刨木头 plane wood
刨木机 surfacer
刨树要寻根 inquire into the root of the...
刨根儿 get to the root of the matte...
刨根究底 inquire into the root of the...
刨根问底 get to the bottom of sth.
刨煤 shearing
刨煤工 hewer
刨煤机 coal plough
刨片机 chipper
刨花 wood shavings
刨花板 chipboard
刨花板工业 particle board industry
刨除 reduce
刨马铃薯 dig potatoes deduct
刨齿 gear-shaping
刨齿刀 gear shaper cutter
刨齿机 gear shaping machine
刨齿规 raker gauge
利上滚利 at compound interest
利与弊 advantages and disadvantages
利乾 Li Qian
利于 be good for
利人主义 altruism
利人利己 benefit other people as well...
利令智昏 be blinded by lust for gain
利刃 a sharp blade
利嘴利舌 quick of speech favourable
利嘴巧舌 have the gift of the gab
利嘴毒舌 have a shrewd tongue
利嘴花牙 a ready tongue
利器 sharp weapon good tool
利国利民 benefit the nation and its p...
利多弊少 The advantages outweigh the ...
利害 advantages and disadvantages
利害与共 on shares
利害冲突 conflict of interests
利害得失 advantages and disadvantages
利害攸关 have a stake in...
利害昭然 clearly point to where inter...
利导 adroitly guide action
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