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初试风味 have a first taste of novelt...
初读数 initial reading
初赛 preliminary contest
初赛结果 the result of preliminary co...
初选 primary election
初速 commencing speed
初速度 initial velocity
初雪 first snow
初露头角 make first appearance
初露锋芒 begin to display one's talen...
初项 initial term
删削 cut out
删去 crossing off
删去第三段 delete the third paragraph
删去这部分不会损害故事的连续性 This part can be cut out wit...
删掉不必要的细节 cut out the unnecessary deta...
删掉多余的词语 cut out superfluous words an...
删掉论文中不必要的段落 Cut out the paragraph unnece...
删改 amend and correct
删汰 delete
删繁就简 simplify by weeding out supe...
删繁补缺 cut out what was repetitious...
删节 abridge
删节号 ellipsis
删节本 abridged edition
删除 delete
删除无关紧要的空话 Slough off unimportant verbi...
判两年徒刑 be sentenced to two years' i...
判仿 mark letters
判例 legal precedent
判例法 case law
判决 court decision
判决为合理 vindicate
判决书 court verdict
判决先例 test case
判决后的传票 judgment summons
判决宣告合同无效 ruling that the contract is ...
判决应付款项 judgements payable
判决录 judgment book
判决无罪 pronounce sb. not guilty
判决有罪 pronounce sb. guilty
判决理论 decision theory
判决确定的债务 judgment debt
判决确定的债务人 judgment debtor
判决确定的债权人 judgment creditor
判决确定的扣押权 judgment lien
判刑 pass a sentence
判刑前审查 presentence
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