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一家之言 statements of a school
一家之长 the chief of a family
一家人 all of the same family
一家公司破产以后怎样处理呢 What follows after one firm ...
一家出版社被封闭了 One publishing house was clo...
一家历史悠久的商号 a shop of long standing
一家团圆 One's family is reunited.
一家大小 the whole family
一家数口 There are several members in...
一家独霸 the monopoly of a single cli...
一家电影院 a cinema
一家破旧的小房子 a small run-down house
一家破烂的小工厂 a small run-down factory jun...
一家老小 the whole family
一家著名的法国厂商 a prominent French firm
一寒如此 as poor as Job's turkey
一寸丹心 a leaf of red heart
一寸光阴一寸金 An inch of time is an inch o...
一对 duad
一对夫妇 a married couple
一对夫妇只生一个孩子 one child per couple
一对怨偶 an ill-matched couple
一对新婚夫妻 a newly-married couple
一对花瓶 a pair of vases
一对选手 a couple of playersⅥ
一封 a
一封信 a letter
一封热情洋溢的感谢信 an ebullient letter of thank...
一封盖有北京邮戳的信 a letter postmarked Beijing
一封饼干 a pack of biscuits
一将功成万骨枯 What millions died that Caes...
一尊佛像 a statue of a Buddha
一尊大炮 a piece of artillery
一尊玉雕佛像 a Buddha carved in jade
一小儿 from childhood
一小捆葱 a small bunch of spring onio...
一小撮 a handful
一小撮匪徒 a handful of bandits
一小撮战争贩子 a handful of warmongers
一小撮敌人 a handful of enemies
一小时 one hour
一小时九十公里 at 70 kilometres per hour
一小时的行程 an hour's march
一小节四拍 four beats in a bar
一尘不染 not stained with a particle ...
一尾鱼 one fish
一屁股坐到椅子上 slump into a chair
一层 a layer or deck
一层油漆 a coat of paint
一层薄冰 a thin sheet of ice
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