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  • Sakib and Samira are grateful to be in the United States.
  • Sakib is located on the highway which connects Jerash and Ajloun.
  • First, that Sakib's leg is healed.
  • It was no problem, " says Sakib.
  • This is my brother, Sakib, "'
  • The DeWitts gave them a temporary home while Sakib underwent his first surgery.
  • Sakib and Samira moved to Star City in January.
  • Sakib Ahmeckovic, 37, was looking for the body of his father.
  • Sakib was the focus of attention of England in the late nineteenth century.
  • Sakib would like to go back to college.
  • It's difficult to see sakib in a sentence. 用sakib造句挺难的
  • Sakib speaks of the war with quiet anger.
  • After Sakib has his surgery, he can get a job and help us more.
  • Their two daughters, said Sakib Music, " are like golden apples ."
  • Third, that they are able to bring over their parents and Sakib's girlfriend.
  • I am very satisfied with the decision, said Sakib Softic, a lawyer for Bosnia.
  • Sakib was injured on Aug . 2, 1992, in the battle of Gorazde, Bosnia.
  • At this time, Sakib and Samira have hopes that are similar, if not simple to achieve.
  • Sakib Dzananovic's leg and foot, and his hope, were shattered on a Bosnian battlefield.
  • Sakib, in the hospital, had only beans and bread every day, three times a day.
  • Sakib is too small to play, but he is already trying his hand by using a stool,
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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