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  • The analysis of seismograms indicates that the first arrival is a p-wave, followed by a s-wave .
  • Tunneling spectrum in the normal metal insulating layer s - wave superconductor tunnel junctions
  • The analysis of seismograms indicates that the first arrival is a p - wave , followed by a s - wave
  • Extracting p - wave and s - wave information for full - wave logging by using long - short time window energy ratio method
  • The result obtained in this study shows that : the source time functions retrieved from p - and s - waves recorded at different stations distributed at different azimuths show prominent directivity
  • To study the changes of poisson ' s ratio and its anisotropy with confining pressure , we measured p - and s - wave velocities in three orthogonal directions in 19 rock samples under different confining pressures
  • By using the attenuation property of the rayleigh surface wave to invert the quality factor of crust and upper mantle , this paper yields the s - wave quality factor 3d structure of crust and upper mantle of china , and the viscidity structure of this area as well
    本文主要通过rayleigh面波衰减反演地壳上地幔s波品质因子q _ ,建立了中国大陆地壳上地幔s波品质因子全三维结构。探讨了中国大陆区域地球内部粘弹性结构。
  • The results show that : 1 ) the effects of interface on waves scattering are stronger in the structure with the interface perpendicular to the direction of fracture normal than that in the structure with the interface parallel to the direction of fracture normal . 2 ) when the interface is perpendicular to the direction of fracture normal , the amplitude of reflected waves and converted s - waves are higher and there are the sub - p - and sub - s - wave . 3 ) when the elastic waves propagating in the multi - stripe model , wavesforms become complex due to multiple scattering on interfaces
    研究结果表明: 1 )界面与裂缝排列方向平行时,界面对波的散射作用大于界面与裂缝排列方向垂直时的情况; 2 )当界面与裂缝排列方向平行时,在界面上产生的反射波及转换的横波幅度较大,并且有次级纵波和横波产生; 3 )弹性波在多条纹结构中传播时,在界面上产生多次散射使得波形十分复杂。
  • In this paper the author studies the theory and method of refraction tomography at uppermost mantle . the images of p - and s - wave velocity lateral variation are rebuilded at uppermost mantle beneath china continent , and anisotropy of p - wave velocities are obtained on the basis of pn and sn travel time data in china and adjacent area by tomography technique
  • In order to study the influential factors on seismic attribute , the authors use the rock modeling software to simulate the changes of mineral constituent , porosity , fluid property and saturation of rocks and further study the changes of the seismic attribute basing on the velocity of s - wave , the velocity of p - wave and various elastic modeling quantities of the rocks by means of forward modeling
  • It's difficult to see s-wave in a sentence. 用s-wave造句挺难的
  • The initial model ( vs , vp , qb , p ) based on previous work of this research group is adopted , and by terms of the relationship between the attenuation factor and s - wave quality factor , the stochastic least square is conducted to inverse the o > > of ail layers under every grid , i . e . the qb structure of every uiut - column
    Q _ 、 p ) ,利用衰减系数和层内s波品质因子q _之间的关系,通过阻尼最小二乘法反演方法反演每个单元格内各层q _ ,得到每个“单元柱”的q _三维结构
  • This is of very important significance to understand the material property and geodynamic of corresponding area , , the surface wave attenuation mechanism and the inversion algorithm of attenuation and s - wave quality factor are discussed systemically in this paper . some important fruits and understanding are resulted from the the crust and upper mantle tomography of china . ( 1 ) calculating of the rayleigh surface wave attenuation factor y
    本文首先探讨了面波衰减的机理,对面波衰减和s波品质因子q _反演的计算方法进行了系统的研究,并对中国大陆地区地壳上地幔q _三维结构进行层析成像,取得了以下重要成果: ( 1 ) rayleigh面波衰减系数计算。
  • X4 ? gridding attenuation and 2 ? x2 ? gridding group velocity are calculated respectively , based on the attenuation and velocity , the distribuation of rayleigh wave quality factor qr are yielded finally . ( 3 ) building the s - wave quality factor og3d structure of the continental crust and upper mantle of china area
    为此把中国大陆区域划分成4 4网格和2 2网格,利用lsqr方法分别进行衰减系数和群速度网格化反演,得到4 4单元格的衰减系数分布和2 2单元网格的群速度分布。
  • 2 ) the effects on waves conversion are stronger in rocks with dry fractures than that in rocks with water - filled fractures , and s - waves attenuate more rapidly in rocks with water - filled fractures . 3 ) the explosive point source which locates in anisotropic media can excites not only p - waves but also s - waves . 4 ) the properties of waves propagation were discussed and compared for several point sources with different source functions
    结果表明: 1 )平行排列裂缝造成的各向异性使波前变宽; 2 )含干裂缝岩石对波型转化的影响比含充水裂缝岩石的大,横波在含充水裂纹中传播时衰减较快; 3 )当介质存在各向异性时,爆炸点源产生的波不仅有纵波,还有横波; 4 )通过改变点源函数研究不同点源所产生波以及波型的转换。
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