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  • The ship jarred against the quayside .
  • He got clear of the other craft at the quayside and found the main channel out of the harbor, marked by buoys .
  • Custom formality is carried out on the quayside
  • Distance to nearest quayside , by road and limitations
  • Repairing technique rules for the quayside container crane
  • Test method for the quayside container crane
  • Specifications of quayside container crane
  • The ship jarred against the quayside
  • The tugs took up the strain and the ocean liner edged away from the quayside
  • He turned from the morning noises of the quayside and walked through lime street
  • It's difficult to see quayside in a sentence. 用quayside造句挺难的
  • Hurrying to her squalid deathlair from gay paris on the quayside i touched his hand
  • Analysis of collision between spreader and container in quayside container crane training simulator system
  • A new - type quayside container crane with jib - bridge luffing system as the main working part is brought out
  • Development of low - rise quayside structures integrating tourist - oriented retail outlets and restaurants around the marine basin
  • Crates lined up on the quayside at jaffa , chap ticking them off in a book , navvies handling them in soiled dungarees
  • This paper describes development and situation of container transportation and container terminal handling technologies and gives a brief presentation of the new twin trolley quayside container crane and rmg
    摘要结合集装箱运输和码头装卸工艺发展的现状,对新型双小车岸桥和共轨式集装箱轨道龙门起重机( rmg )作简要的介绍。
  • In the paper , berth length , container yard area , quay cfs , the number of quayside container cranes and container throughput were selected as the indexes of ports efficiency evaluation
    摘要选取泊位长度、码头面积、码头cfs 、吊桥数量以及集装箱吞吐量5个集装箱港口绩效指标,选择中国实力相当的6个集装箱港口进行灰理论的靶心度分析,并以此进行评价排序。
  • The crane is characterized with novel structure and has such advantages as header working area , higher working efficiency , less weight , lower cost , etc . , and thus is applicable to quayside handling operation of inland container terminals
  • Container wharf is a large system , in which wharf , container yard and quayside container crane are the three most important factors , and their proper configuration will determine the handling capacity and efficiency of the wharf . .
  • And operates along the coastline of 651m berths plus two floating docks with capacities of 70 , 000dwt and 30 , 000dwt respectively . moreover , it is also well equipped with working boats , tugboats , quayside cranes and floating cranes
    1997年10月公司率先通过了iso9002质量体系的认证,并在2003年4月顺利通过了iso9001 : 2000质量体系的认证,使质量水平和管理水平都踏上了新的台阶。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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