- Religious cults and priesthoods are sectarian by nature .
宗教崇拜和僧侣界天然就有派性。 - Entering the priesthood . - he doesn ' t believe in phones
做了教士-他信不过电话 - - entering the priesthood . - he doesn ' t believe in phones
-做了教士-他信不过电话 - He is one of the spanish priesthood
他是一名西班牙神职人员。 - The priesthood is still our number one
神父仍然是我们的首选 - I can ' t jeopardize my priesthood
我不能危及我的牧师职位 - He is entering the priesthood
他任祭司一职。 - If you wish to study for the priesthood i ' ll vouch for a loan -
如果你愿意为成为神父而学习的话,我就为你担保贷款- - Priesthood of all believer
信徒皆祭司 - For the priesthood being changed , there is made of necessity a change also of the law
12祭司的职任既已更改,律法也必须更改。 - It's difficult to see priesthood in a sentence. 用priesthood造句挺难的
- For when the priesthood is changed , of necessity there takes place a change of law also
来7 : 12祭司的职任既已更改、律法也必须更改。 - Virasaivism rejected the vedas , the brahman priesthood , and all caste distinction
林伽教派拒绝吠陀和婆罗门祭司,还有所有的种姓差别。 - We should live as a royal priesthood , a holy nation , a people belonging to god
我们应该活出君尊的祭司、圣洁的国度、属神的子民的模样来。 - Heb . 7 : 12 for since the priesthood is transferred , of necessity there comes into being a transfer of law also
来七12祭司的职分既已更换,律法也必须更换。 - Lord jesus , our holy high priest , breathe the spirit of thine own holy priesthood into our hearts
我们的大祭司主耶稣,求你将你自己圣洁祭司的灵吹入我们的心。 - O lord jesus , our holy high priest , breathe the spirit of thine own holy priesthood into our hearts
我们的大祭司主耶稣,求你将你自己圣洁祭司的灵吹入我们的心。 - How did book of mormon characters get the priesthood when they weren ' t from the tribe of levi
为什麽《摩门经》里面的角色得到了祭司的职分但是没有人是从利未支派来的? - This is reflected in the fast diminishing recruitment for priesthood as well as rapidly decreasing church attendances
这反映在神职人员招聘数量的骤减以及礼拜出勤率的急剧下滑上。 - Father merrin witnessed man at his worst during the war , and it led him to abandon the priesthood
墨林神父史达伦史卡斯格饰于早年见证了人类在战争中最丑恶的一面,促使他放弃当神父。 - During the high priesthood of annas and caiaphas , the word of god came to john the son of zachariah in the wilderness
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