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  • Guido Molinari created Plasticien works between 1959 and 1962.
  • In the sixties, following the trend of neo-figurative art in the wake of " the Roman School ", in 1969 he works in Paris in an avant-garde group ( CAP, Comit?d'Action Plasticien ) experimenting and applying collective painting on current politics affairs through the production of " posters " for posting on the roads and for public debate ( copies of these posters, donated by him, are preserved at the Mus閑 de la Publicit?in Paris ).
  • It's difficult to see plasticien in a sentence. 用plasticien造句挺难的
如何用plasticien造句,用plasticien造句plasticien in a sentence, 用plasticien造句和plasticien的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。