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  • In many places, the laqab or nisba has come to be used in such a way.
  • As his " nisba " shows, he came from the locality of Jarjaraya, south of Baghdad.
  • The term continues evolving as other languages adapt these words to form their own name for Spain for example, " nisba " suffix.
  • So even though the Nisba is the name that is most similar in concept to a Western surname, people's names are not sorted by that?
  • ?Abd Allh bin ?Awn was a mawla of Ibn Barza al-Mazan + , hence the nisba al-Muzan + , and early sources state that his mother is Khursn + .
  • Is that because you can't rely on the Nisba always being present in a name, whereas people will always at least have an ism ? talk ) 03 : 47, 20 November 2008 ( UTC)
  • In the case of Saddam Hussein, he bore the nisba " at-Tikriti ", but this simply states that his family are from Tikrit, and is born by a large group of unrelated people.
  • The "-i " suffix is known in Arabic grammar as the " nisba " suffix, and in traditional Christian Bible criticism as the " gentilic " suffix . . . talk ) 05 : 35, 12 June 2008 ( UTC)
  • His " Shayban, but its nature is unclear; most likely, he was a " mawla " of the tribe, and received the " nisba " by serving as tutor to the sons of some Shaybani tribesmen.
  • The fatwa was termed the " Oran fatwa " by modern scholars, due to the " nisba " " Al-Wahrani " ( " of Oran " ) that appears in the text as part of the name of the author.
  • It's difficult to see nisba in a sentence. 用nisba造句挺难的
  • Ethnic origin was a key component of an individual " mamluk's " identity, and ethnic identity manifested itself through given names, dress, access to administrative positions and was indicated by a sultan's " nisba ".
  • Many Uzbeks in Saudi Arabia adopted the Arabic nisba of their home city in Uzbekistan, such as Al Bukhari from Bukhara, Al Samarqandi from Samarqand, Al Tashkandi from Tashkent, Al Andijani from Andijan, Al Kokandi from Kokand, Al Turkistani from Turkistan.
  • Madina 713-14 AD ), it is not clear when they arrived in the region except that they first went from Madina to Mar ash, in Sham ( Syria ), where they were settled long enough to acquire the relational ( nisba ) Mar ashi.
  • Originating from the Tayfuriya order, as his Nisba to the name of its founder Madar, leading to Madariya, sometimes spelled as Madariyya, though it is also referred as Tabaqatiya . { { cite book | title = Travellers in faith : studies of the Tabl + gh +  Jam?at as a transnational Islamic movement for faith renewal-Volume 69 | last = Masud
  • The earliest evidence of Fenderesk as a toponym appeared in the form of a nisba ( relational ) for one Khajeh Ahmad Fendereski, who was ruling Astarabad in 1508-09 . This reference predated the birth of the region s preeminent son, Hakim Abul Qasem Mir Fendereski ( b . 1563 ) and this eliminates with certainty the Hakim as the source of the place-name.
  • :: : : " D is listed in Arabic dictionaries as a derivative of root alif-waw-lam, but I suspect a connection with # GD . . . Not sure what to advise about it in general, but it would seem unlikely to occur before a " nisba " adjective, and is mainly to indicate collective dynastic or quasi-dynastic names . . . talk ) 13 : 54, 7 September 2012 ( UTC)
  • All I can say is that I have encountered several Arab families among whom, while living in Arabic-speaking countries, the surname has been passed down in this way . ( Our Arabic name article is consistent with this : whether " laqab " or " nisba " & mdash; I am pretty sure that the article misses the fact that a " laqab " is equally well used in this capacity & mdash; these names can endure many generations, and a community can refer to an extended family over several generations by them.
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