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  • Arthur Haslerig and John Rogers, and others printed serious answers to his arguments, while obscure libellers ridiculed him.
  • D'Argenson organized the supply of food in Paris during the severe winter of 1709, and endeavoured, but with little success, to run to earth the libellers of the government.
  • William Hepworth Dixon wrote in 1885 that it was full of " poets, pirates, parsons, plotters; coiners, libellers, defaulters, Jesuits; vagabonds of every class who vexed the souls of men in power . . ."
  • It's difficult to see libellers in a sentence. 用libellers造句挺难的
如何用libellers造句,用libellers造句libellers in a sentence, 用libellers造句和libellers的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。