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  • In this dissertation work , a new shower - bubble type equilibrator is developed , and is double - checked with the laminary flow type equilibrator made by cooper ( 1998 ) . significance test shows no distinct discrepancies between the two . the new equilibrator can measure the pco2 not only at the sea - atmosphere interface , but also under deep - sea water
    主要实验结果和结论如下:研制了新的喷淋-鼓泡式平衡器,并与cooper , d . j . ( 1998 )的层流式平衡器进行现场互校,显著性检验证明两种平衡器之间无显著性差异。
  • It's difficult to see laminary in a sentence. 用laminary造句挺难的
如何用laminary造句,用laminary造句laminary in a sentence, 用laminary造句和laminary的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。