- The reverence for the Cross they looked upon as heathenish.
- Monarchy, he said, was preposterous, and it had a heathenish origin.
- The rite of dancing around the Maypole was rescinded in an act put through Parliament by Charles I in 1644, where it was labeled as " a heathenish vanity ."
- He carried out this task faithfully, torturing all suspected of the " wicked heathenish error ", as John himself calls it, and finding much worship of the ancestral gods amongst the Empire aristocracy.
- Though the early missionaries did not succeed in outlawing the practice ( which they considered as defacement of the body and heathenish ), they eventually succeeded in refocusing the custom on the sons of chiefs.
- On the other hand, Hitler personally intervened after the churches lamented the " neo-heathenish " tendencies within the SS, telling Himmler and Alfred Rosenberg to " cut out the cultic nonsense ".
- He said : " Thoreau's " Walden " is a capital reading, but very wicked and heathenish . . . After all, for me, I prefer walking on two legs ".
- It was delivered in the university Church of St Mary the Great, Cambridge on 21 December 1609, and in it he rebuked sharply " lusory lotts " and the " heathenish debauchery " of the students during the Twelve Days of Christmas.
- In New Amsterdam ( modern Director General Pieter Stuyvesant issued ordinances against goose pulling, calling it " unprofitable, heathenish and pernicious . " William Gilmore Simms described it as " one of those sports which a cunning devil has contrived to gratify a human beast.
- In 1734 Sir Henry Fermor, a local benefactor, bequeathed money for a church and charity school for the benefit of the " very ignorant and heathenish people " that lived in the part of Rotherfield " in or near a place called Crowborough and Ashdown Forest ".
- It's difficult to see heathenish in a sentence. 用heathenish造句挺难的
- Certainly already in 1874, Moravian missionary J . E . Lundberg wrote : " It is now generally conducted at night, by moonlight, amidst a heathenish noise and it has become connected with great impropriety of conduct . " Professor Hugo Sujo says the rituals varied.
- In a similar vein, poet John Greenleaf Whittier detested what he deemed to be the " wicked " and " heathenish " message of " Walden ", claiming that Thoreau wanted man to " lower himself to the level of a woodchuck and walk on four legs ".
- Also prohibited were medicine men who use any of the arts of the conjurer to prevent the Indians from abandoning their heathenish rites and customs . The penalties prescribed for violations ranged from 10 to 90 days imprisonment and loss of government-provided rations for up to 30 days.
- The Long Parliament's ordinance of 1644 described maypoles as " a Heathenish vanity, generally abused to superstition and wickedness . " The only recorded breach of the Long Parliament's prohibition was in 1655 in Henley-in-Arden, where local officials stopped the erection of maypoles for traditional games.
- In the prophets of the 7th and 6th centuries BC, the word " bamot " connotes " seat of heathenish or idolatrous worship "; and the historians of the period apply the term in this opprobrious sense not only to places sacred to other gods but to the old holy places of Yahweh in the cities and villages of Persian period.
- "Muslims'presence [ in the United States ] is affirmed in documents dated more than a century before religious liberty became the law of the land, as in a Virginia statute of 1682 which referred to'negroes, moores, molatoes, and others, born of and in heathenish, idollatrous, pagan, and Mahometan parentage and country'who'heretofore and hereafter may be purchased, procured, or otherwise obteigned, as slaves . '"
- But the practices continued and, 35 years later, the minutes from the session records stated : " " 23 Dec 1705 Also after sermon ye min1'( the minister ) did guard ye Seamen to beware of ye old Heathenish superstitious practice of carrieing of lighted Clevies or torches about yr boats on new years even certifieing all that should be found any manner of way to concurr with or contribute to ye said work should be put in ye hands of ye civill magistrate . ""
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