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  • Nouns occupying the semantic roles or thematic relations, of patient, theme, factitive theme, location, goal, path, or instrument are eligible for incorporation.
  • Semantically this frequentative should be considered factitive, thence arriving at a verb that would mean'to cause to be given in exchange', hence'to give ( in exchange ) '.
  • One formation that has been diachronically connected with the " v [ k + s " inflection is "'Cvi "', which in PGini's grammar of factitive verb where the " +  "-stem is indeclinable and used like a preverb.
  • It's difficult to see factitive in a sentence. 用factitive造句挺难的
如何用factitive造句,用factitive造句factitive in a sentence, 用factitive造句和factitive的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。