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  • Joan Procter was also an accomplished draughtswoman and modeller.
  • Academic training developed her natural talent and she became a capable and inventive draughtswoman.
  • Margaret was an accomplished draughtswoman and writer.
  • During the war, her work as an industrial draughtswoman for Royal Dutch Shell interrupted her formal education.
  • In 1933 she was in Berlin and witnessed the Hatfield as a draughtswoman at the de Havilland aircraft factory.
  • His constant collaborator and eventual wife, the German printmaker and draughtswoman Herthe Sch ? pp ( 1888 1971 ), met him as his pupil.
  • "' Christiane Pflug "'( June 20, 1936  April 1972 ) was a German-born Canadian painter and draughtswoman.
  • Rohanun, a draughtswoman who lives here, saysshe is the only member of the family who is financially able to contribute towards her sister's operation.
  • This show was a critical success, with one review describing her as a  sensitive and expressive draughtswoman who reaches a masterly plane and admiring her  individual and instinctive use of colour.
  • In the autumn of 1933 Alm醩y embarked on a further expedition, this time with the noted German ethnographer Leo Frobenius, his assistant Hans Rhotert and draughtswoman Elisabeth Pauli ( later Elisabeth Jenssen ).
  • It's difficult to see draughtswoman in a sentence. 用draughtswoman造句挺难的
  • The ornamental glass " light screens " in this house were designed by Wright with the assistance of Oak Park Studio draughtswoman, Isabel Roberts, who would later become an architect in her own right.
  • "' Antonina Houbraken "'( 30 May 1686 & ndash; December 1736 ) was an 18th-century Dutch draughtswoman who is known for her many topographical drawings of Dutch sites.
  • So this poorly educated Englishwoman developed in Egypt into a first rate draughtswoman and prolific and talented writer who, even under her own name, produced articles, essays, monographs and books of great range, wit and substance ."
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