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  • Josse Dorra Fiani is the president of Fiani and Partners
  • At Dorra rock paintings have been found.
  • In Latin, Dorra calls this concept utile dulci _ " useful beauty ."
  • "Beautiful American Rose Gardens, " by Mary Tonetti Dorra, Clarkson Potter, $ 40 hardcover.
  • The Dorra gas field lies in a neutral zone in the Gulf, falling between Kuwait, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
  • In Djibouti, rock art of what appear to be antelopes and a giraffe are also found at Dorra and Balho.
  • _" Beautiful American Rose Gardens " by Mary Tonetti Dorra ( Clarkson Potter / Publishers, $ 40 ).
  • "' Dorra Mahfoudhi "'( born 7 August 1993 ) is a Tunisian athlete specialising in the pole vault.
  • "' Dorra "'is a village in Djibouti in the mid-north of Tadjoura Region, the largest region.
  • Dorra notes that a paper on the subject by Michel Br閍l had been published in 1863, the year before the work was painted.
  • It's difficult to see dorra in a sentence. 用dorra造句挺难的
  • Surrounding skerries include Big Nev, Dorra Stack, Little Nev, Out Shuna Stack, Robert Irvine's Skerry, and The Burrier.
  • "Beautiful American Vegetable Gardens, " by Mary Tonetti Dorra, photographs by Steve Eltinge ( Clarkson / Potter, $ 40 ).
  • Bothways is one of several estate gardens celebrated in a superb new book by Mary Tonetti Dorra entitled " Beautiful American Vegetable Gardens " ( Clarkson Potter ).
  • The West Campus has been built on a 31, 000 square meter plot of land at The Greens Compound ( owned by Dorra Group ) in Sheikh Zayed City.
  • "He's been a model for other investors, " said Josse Dorra Fiani, the president of Fiani & Partners, a Cairo consulting firm.
  • -- " Beautiful American Vegetable Gardens, " by Mary Tonetti Dorra ( 1997, Clarkson Potter, $ 40 ), contains handsome photos and tips from estate gardens.
  • The main towns are : Sagallou, Dorra Bankoual? Randa, Adailou, Garbannab, Guirori, Kalaf, Assa-Gueyla, Balho, Bouyya, Mouddo, The Day and Ambado.
  • Immediately after her husband's death, she oversaw the building of a mausoleum, a task that took 16 months and the help of architect Farid El-Shafie and contractor Hassan Dorra.
  • By contrast, Henri Dorra has suggested that the poses of the sphinx and Oedipus are derived from the Greek etymological meaning of the word sphinx, which is to clutch, embrace, or cling to.
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