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  • RSA chief executive Art Coviello said he's not worried.
  • Coviello said, as though it were a basic breathing exercise.
  • This version has been recorded by Marcus Bosch for the label Coviello Classics.
  • Coviello, 36, likes to think that they are the future of fashion.
  • Coviello has been collecting since he was 13.
  • A spokesman declined to elaborate, and Coviello wasn't immediately available for comment.
  • Coviello said, separating it from Francis.
  • They frame a postcard of the catacombs in Palermo, a place Coviello has visited.
  • Coviello has just bought a BMW M3 convertible; he owned an M3 sedan before it.
  • Coviello's aesthetic is modeled on Freud's study in London, he said.
  • It's difficult to see coviello in a sentence. 用coviello造句挺难的
  • They were women with style, who would become Coviello's ideal of a client.
  • Other projects include recording of Deutsche Motette op . 62 by Richard Strauss for Coviello Classics.
  • We don't spend too much time worrying about Mr . Weiss, " said Coviello.
  • Coviello considers his farmhouse in Taconic, which he bought four years ago, a work in progress.
  • This season Victoriana ruled, along with Edwardian moments, at Ralph Lauren, James Coviello and Alexander McQueen.
  • In 2003 Bruno Coviello wrote an electroclash / dance-pop song for Party Monster soundtrack under Mannequin alias.
  • Coviello bought it in Quakerstown, Pa ., driving through on his way to a friend's house.
  • "We need to show that we can deliver, " concedes Arthur Coviello, president of Security Dynamics.
  • James Coviello, Hurley's lawyer, said the priest left the Church of the Blessed Sacrament early this year.
  • Coviello read " Nana " at 17 and renounced what he called a " TV childhood ."
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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