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  • He is as staunch a churchman at oxford .
  • Why do all these courtiers and knights and churchmen hate me ?
  • In my opinion, roscoe and his churchmen are marching resolutely backwards .
  • He was an early christian churchman who reportedly helped young lovers
  • "pooh, pooh; " said the doctor, with the impiety usual in persons of his profession; " he is a churchman
  • A single life doth well with churchmen, for charity will hardly water the ground where it must first fill a pool
  • "perhaps, " said one of the previous speakers, " as he was a churchman, they may go to some expense in his behalf .
  • The inspired churchman that teaches him the sanctity of life and the importance of conduct is sent away empty
  • When a churchman is killed, it should be with a different weapon than a log, especially when he has behaved like a father
  • But most americans do not go that far to celebrate the day named for saint valentine he was an early christian churchman who reportedly helped young lovers
  • It's difficult to see churchmen in a sentence. 用churchmen造句挺难的
  • Celibacy stopped churchmen from producing heirs, and the general idea was that the church lands would go back into the hands of the church upon the death of a prelate
  • Years rolled on, and amongst the descendants some were soldiers, others diplomatists; some churchmen, some bankers; some grew rich, and some were ruined
  • Each brother candidly recognized that there were a few unimportant scores of millions of outsiders in civilized society, persons who were neither university men nor churchmen; but they were to be tolerated rather than reckoned with and respected
如何用churchmen造句,用churchmen造句churchmen in a sentence, 用churchmen造句和churchmen的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。