- Nevertheless , his behavior was very humble . he was churchwarden at the madeleine church and had simply accepted the post of deputy mayor at the town house of the ninth arrondissement in order , as he said , to have something to do in his leisure time
另外,他还表现得非常谦逊,他是圣玛德莱娜教堂的财产管理委员,据他说,他怕闲得无事做,才接受了第九区副区长的职务。 - It's difficult to see arrondissement in a sentence. 用arrondissement造句挺难的
如何用arrondissement造句,用arrondissement造句,arrondissement in a sentence, 用arrondissement造句和arrondissement的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。