A search for magnetic monopoles has been going on ever since dirac . 从狄拉克以来,对磁单极子的探索却一直没有停止。
There are other particles proposed to exist , but have not been found in experiment . magnetic monopole is one of them 科学家猜想还有其他基本粒子存在,但实验一直未能找到证据,磁单极子就是其中一种。
If the theory is correct , magnetic monopole not only exist , a lot of them should have been created at the beginning of the universe . why cannot we find one is still a mystery in cosmology 如果理论是正确的话,磁单极子不但存在,而且在宇宙的初期,还产生了很多磁单极子,但为什么到今天我们仍然一粒也找不到,这实在是宇宙学的一个难题。
磁: squeak; chirp; peep单极: single pole; monopole; unipo ...子: son磁单极: magnetic monopole单极子: monopole磁单极问题: magnetic monopoles有否磁单极: magnetic monople单极子矩: monopole moment有效单极子辐射功率: effective monopole radiated power单极: single pole; monopole; unipole; single electrode极子: polaron磁单胞: magnetic unit cell磁单位: magnetic units磁单元: magnetic cell单极-单极排列: pole-pole array磁单位晶胞: magnetic unit cell磁晶胞, 磁单胞: magnetic unit cell电磁单位: cgs electromagnetic unit; electromagnet unit; electromagnetic unit (e.m.u); electromagnetic units; emu electromagnetic unit电磁单位制: cgs system of electromagmetic units; electromagnet unit system; electromagnetic system of units; electromagnetic unit system; system of electromagnetic units电磁单元: electromagnetic unit静磁单位: magnetostatic unit静态磁单元: static magnetic cell单极泵: single pump; single-stage pump单极的: homopolar; monopolar; monostable; monoterminal; singlepole; unipolar单极点: simple pole