A search for magnetic monopoles has been going on ever since dirac . 从狄拉克以来,对磁单极子的探索却一直没有停止。
Resonant characteristics of a trapezoid meander line monopole antenna 梯形弯折线单极子天线的谐振特性
Adaptive anti - interference for high - frequency surface wave radar based on orthogonal loop whip antenna arrays 单极子交叉环天线阵的自适应抗干扰
There are other particles proposed to exist , but have not been found in experiment . magnetic monopole is one of them 科学家猜想还有其他基本粒子存在,但实验一直未能找到证据,磁单极子就是其中一种。
Finally , the sierpinski monopole is simulated by method of moment and wire - grid model with its multiband behavior verified 本文最后用矩量法和线网模型对sierpinski单极子进行了仿真,验证了其多波段特性。